As some of you heard yesterday, I have a new calculation of the mass
of the detector, produced by an automated traversal of the GMACRO
volume tree. The final result will change significantly when the
structural steel is included in GMACRO, but I want to make a couple of
comments now.
First, the answer is 5.42 kTon total, 5.05 kTon in the lower detector
(relevant for upgoing semicontained events) and 558 tons of
scintillator (agrees within about 1% with Kate's calculation).
We need to think about the accuracy of GMACRO for this purpose. A 10%
error in total mass would cause only small effects on the propagation
of particles through the detector, but would cause a 10% error in
prediction of semi-contained event rates. Probably no one has ever
tried to optimize GMACRO accuracy for mass calculations.
Some numbers that appear to me worthy of investigation include:
o horizontal scint tanks are 350 kg in GMACRO. If true, they weigh
20% as much as the scintillator they contain. I will check this
number at Caltech.
o Streamer tube eight-pack modules (25 cm x 3 cm x 1200 cm) weigh 40
kg in GMACRO. If true, 5% of the mass of MACRO is in the streamer
tubes (there are 2880 ELCT, 2016 ELLT, 168 ELFT, 1224 ELHT, 144
L1ET, 864 LTET = 7296 streamer tube eight-packs). Can someone at
Frascati check this number?
o The iron trays holding the crushed rock are alleged by GMACRO to
have 20% (ELA1 containing CON1) or 12.5% (ELA2 containing CON2) as
much mass as the rock they contain. Mario Spinetti -- do you know
if records exist about this?
o Do we know the mass of rock absorber in MACRO? The GMACRO values
for volume and density appear reasonable, but if we know the exact
answer it would be much better to use that. Mario?
I also have code to use the mass calculation to distribute neutrino
events in the detector according to the mass distribution. I also
have some very slight modifications to the new generator from Rome
which allows me to link it directly in GMACRO, generating events as
needed with no need for intermediate files.
I will append the results of my mass calculation.
Here, for every volume in GMACRO, I list the number of copies of that
volume which exist in MACRO, the total mass in grams of all the copies
excluding the mass of its daughter volumes, and the total mass of all
copies including its daughter volumes. The number for MARS is not
relevant because it contains a lot of rock surrounding the detector.
(The meaning of the different volumes is given below for those
unfamiliar with GMACRO.)
1 MARS 1 0.2709999980E+22 0.2709999980E+22
2 TUNB 1 4298728.500 0.5045165056E+10
3 MACR 1 176855.1250 0.5040866304E+10
4 SMOD 6 0.0000000000E+00 0.5017963008E+10
5 CMOD 12 1640474.500 0.5017963008E+10
6 CPLT 120 775.0562134 113304648.0
7 ELCT 2880 113093584.0 113303856.0
8 CGAS 23040 210272.6250 210272.6250
9 CPLA 84 0.6084188819E-01 0.4423866368E+10
10 ELEA 840 71147.66406 0.4423866368E+10
11 ELA1 840 367905056.0 0.2139425664E+10
12 ELA2 840 249984112.0 0.2284369920E+10
13 AABS 840 515007.3750 0.1771520512E+10
14 CON1 840 0.1771005568E+10 0.1771005568E+10
15 CON2 840 0.2034385920E+10 0.2034385920E+10
16 CPLS 24 0.0000000000E+00 342297632.0
17 ELCS 192 66941464.00 342297632.0
18 AECS 192 104339.2812 275356160.0
19 COIL 192 15054303.00 275251840.0
20 CLIQ 192 260197504.0 260197504.0
21 CPLP 12 0.2533936367E-06 655573.1250
22 ELPL 288 655572.9375 655572.9375
23 LMOD 168 10821.67676 136198576.0
24 LPLS 168 0.0000000000E+00 96531392.00
25 ELLS 168 20222002.00 96531392.00
26 AELS 168 10322.09375 76309392.00
27 LOIL 168 2454871.500 76299072.00
28 LLIQ 168 73844200.00 73844200.00
29 LPLT 1008 0.8521266282E-03 39656352.00
30 ELLT 2016 39582756.00 39656352.00
31 LGAS 16128 73595.42188 73595.42188
32 HMOD 2 26726.16211 22726490.00
33 FMOD 14 1803.612793 22699762.00
34 FPLS 14 0.0000000000E+00 16088566.00
35 ELFS 14 3370333.500 16088566.00
36 AEFS 14 1720.348877 12718233.00
37 FOIL 14 409145.2500 12716512.00
38 FLIQ 14 12307367.00 12307367.00
39 FPLT 84 0.1420211047E-03 6609391.500
40 ELFT 168 6597125.500 6609391.500
41 FGAS 1344 12265.90332 12265.90332
42 TUNA 1 5541212.000 377302080.0
43 MACT 1 4273319.000 371760864.0
44 LTM1 12 3753.238037 20075332.00
45 LTM2 24 50463.08594 118703616.0
46 HTMD 3 582608.2500 46862032.00
47 TPS1 12 389.0324707 14052238.00
48 TPS2 24 2334.185059 84313432.00
49 TPT1 72 0.1220426566E-03 6019340.000
50 TPT2 144 0.2440853132E-03 34339720.00
51 HTPT 12 0.1084702909 46279424.00
52 ELHT 1224 46188868.00 46279388.00
53 TGAS 9792 90516.75000 90516.75000
54 HTPS 1 965.7399902 181846576.0
55 ELHS 102 35562652.00 181845616.0
56 AEHS 102 55430.24609 146282960.0
57 TOIL 102 7997598.500 146227536.0
58 TLIQ 102 138229936.0 138229936.0
59 LTES 72 17658476.00 84311104.00
60 LTET 864 34276636.00 34339716.00
61 LTAS 72 9015.855469 66652624.00
62 LTOS 72 3348577.750 66643604.00
63 LTCS 72 63295028.00 63295028.00
64 LTCT 6912 63081.78906 63081.78906
65 L1ES 12 2943079.500 14051850.00
66 L1ET 144 6009008.000 6019340.000
67 L1AS 12 1502.642578 11108770.00
68 L1OS 12 558096.2500 11107268.00
69 L1CS 12 10549172.00 10549172.00
70 L1CT 1152 10331.89258 10331.89258
Here I give the mass in g of each individual volume including the mass
of daughter volumes, the residual volume in cm^3 (that part of a
volume not containing daughters), the density in g/cm^3 of material in
the residual volume, and the mass of the residual volume (i.e. the
mass of the volume excluding the mass of daughter volumes).
CGAS 9.126416206 9126.416016 0.1000000047E-02 9.126416206
CON1 2108340.000 826800.0000 2.549999952 2108340.000
CON2 2421888.000 949760.0000 2.549999952 2421888.000
CLIQ 1355195.375 1557695.875 0.8700000048 1355195.375
ELPL 2276.294922 1396.500000 1.629999995 2276.294922
LLIQ 439548.8125 505228.5000 0.8700000048 439548.8125
LGAS 4.563208103 4563.208008 0.1000000047E-02 4.563208103
FLIQ 879097.6250 1010457.000 0.8700000048 879097.6250
FGAS 9.126416206 9126.416016 0.1000000047E-02 9.126416206
TGAS 9.243948936 9243.948242 0.1000000047E-02 9.243948936
TLIQ 1355195.375 1557695.875 0.8700000048 1355195.375
LTCS 879097.6250 1010457.000 0.8700000048 879097.6250
LTCT 9.126416206 9126.416016 0.1000000047E-02 9.126416206
L1CS 879097.6250 1010457.000 0.8700000048 879097.6250
L1CT 8.968656540 8968.656250 0.1000000047E-02 8.968656540
ELCT 39341.61719 24091.16992 1.629999995 39268.60547
ELA2 2719488.000 37814.50000 7.869999886 297600.1250
AABS 2108953.000 508800.0000 0.1204999979E-02 613.1040039
COIL 1433603.250 90123.93750 0.8700000048 78407.82812
CPLP 54631.09375 0.1752376556E-04 0.1204999979E-02 0.2111613639E-07
LOIL 454161.1562 16795.78125 0.8700000048 14612.33008
ELLT 19670.80859 12045.58496 1.629999995 19634.30273
FOIL 908322.3125 33591.56250 0.8700000048 29224.66016
ELFT 39341.61719 24091.16992 1.629999995 39268.60547
ELHT 37809.95703 23150.92188 1.629999995 37736.00391
TOIL 1433603.250 90123.93750 0.8700000048 78407.82812
LTET 39745.04297 24338.66992 1.629999995 39672.03125
LTOS 925605.6250 53457.50000 0.8700000048 46508.02344
L1ET 41800.97266 25600.75000 1.629999995 41729.22266
L1OS 925605.6250 53457.50000 0.8700000048 46508.02344
CPLT 944205.3750 5360.001465 0.1204999979E-02 6.458801746
ELA1 2546935.250 55652.12500 7.869999886 437982.2188
AECS 1434146.625 450982.4062 0.1204999979E-02 543.4337769
AELS 454222.5938 50988.41016 0.1204999979E-02 61.44103241
LPLT 39341.61719 0.7015466690E-03 0.1204999979E-02 0.8453637292E-06
AEFS 908445.1875 101976.8203 0.1204999979E-02 122.8820648
FPLT 78683.23438 0.1403093338E-02 0.1204999979E-02 0.1690727458E-05
TPT1 83601.94531 0.1406669617E-02 0.1204999979E-02 0.1695036872E-05
TPT2 238470.2656 0.1406669617E-02 0.1204999979E-02 0.1695036872E-05
HTPT 3856618.500 7.501402855 0.1204999979E-02 0.9039190598E-02
AEHS 1434146.625 450982.4062 0.1204999979E-02 543.4337769
LTAS 925730.8750 103917.1953 0.1204999979E-02 125.2202148
L1AS 925730.8750 103917.1953 0.1204999979E-02 125.2202148
ELEA 5266507.500 70290.12500 0.1204999979E-02 84.69960022
ELCS 1782800.125 213897.8281 1.629999995 348653.4688
ELLS 574591.6250 73846.04688 1.629999995 120369.0547
ELFS 1149183.250 147692.0938 1.629999995 240738.1094
HTMD 15620677.00 161164112.0 0.1204999979E-02 194202.7500
ELHS 1782800.125 213897.8281 1.629999995 348653.4688
LTES 1170987.500 150464.1875 1.629999995 245256.6250
L1ES 1170987.500 150464.1875 1.629999995 245256.6250
CPLA 52665076.00 0.6010856628 0.1204999979E-02 0.7243081927E-03
CPLS 14262401.00 0.0000000000E+00 0.1204999979E-02 0.0000000000E+00
LPLS 574591.6250 0.0000000000E+00 0.1204999979E-02 0.0000000000E+00
FPLS 1149183.250 0.0000000000E+00 0.1204999979E-02 0.0000000000E+00
TPS1 1171019.875 26904.04492 0.1204999979E-02 32.41937256
TPS2 3513059.750 80711.79688 0.1204999979E-02 97.25771332
HTPS 181846576.0 801444.0000 0.1204999979E-02 965.7399902
LMOD 810705.8125 53456.21875 0.1204999979E-02 64.41474152
FMOD 1621411.625 106912.4375 0.1204999979E-02 128.8294830
LTM1 1672944.250 259560.0469 0.1204999979E-02 312.7698364
LTM2 4945984.000 1744920.125 0.1204999979E-02 2102.628662
CMOD 418163584.0 113449136.0 0.1204999979E-02 136706.2031
HMOD 11363245.00 11089694.00 0.1204999979E-02 13363.08105
MACT 371760864.0 0.3546322944E+10 0.1204999979E-02 4273319.000
SMOD 836327168.0 0.0000000000E+00 0.1204999979E-02 0.0000000000E+00
TUNA 377302080.0 0.4598516224E+10 0.1204999979E-02 5541212.000
MACR 0.5040866304E+10 146767744.0 0.1204999979E-02 176855.1250
TUNB 0.5045165056E+10 0.3567409664E+10 0.1204999979E-02 4298728.500
MARS 0.2709999980E+22 0.1000000020E+22 2.710000038 0.2709999980E+22
Here are the volume descriptions from the comments in GMACRO:
Volume name representation material
MARS MAster Reference System
it contains all the defined volumes GS_ROCK
TUNB Bottom section of the B tunel AIR
MACR The MACRO detector AIR
SMOD Super Module 12*12*5 m**3 AIR
HMOD Header Module (north and south End Modules) AIR
CMOD Central module 6*12*5 m**3 AIR
LMOD Lateral module (east and west half modules) AIR
FMOD Frontal Module (each HMOD will be maked using
seven FMOD ) AIR
CPLA Central Plane Absorber AIR
CPLT Central Plane of streamer tubes AIR
CPLS Central Plane of Scintillator AIR
CPLP Central Plane Plastic AIR
LPLT Lateral Plane of streamer tubes AIR
LPLS Lateral Plane of Sintillator AIR
FPLT Frontal Plane of streamer tubes AIR
FPLS Frontal Plane of Scintilator AIR
ELCT Element of Central streamer tubes PLASTIC
ELCS Element of Central Scintillator PLASTIC
ELPL Element of Central Plastic PLASTIC
ELEA Element of Central Absorber AIR
ELA1 First box of the Absorber IRON
ELA2 Second box of the Absorber IRON
ELFT Element of Frontal streamer tubes PLASTIC
ELFS Element of Frontal Scintillator PLASTIC
ELLT Element of Lateral streamer tubes PLASTIC
ELLS Element of Lateral Scintillator PLASTIC
AABS Air volume inside the Absorber AIR
AELS Air volume inside the Lateral Scintillator AIR
AEFS Air volume inside the Frontal Scintillator AIR
AECS Air volume inside the Central Scintillator AIR
CGAS Sensitive cell of Gas of Central streamer tubes STREAMER GAS
CLIQ Sensitive cell of Central Liquid Scintillator LIQUID SCINT
LGAS Sensitive cell of Gas of Lateral streamer tubes STREAMER GAS
LLIQ Sensitive cell of Lateral Liquid Scintillator LIQUID SCINT
FGAS Sensitive cell of Gas of Frontal streamer tubes STREAMER GAS
FLIQ Sensitive cell of Frontal Liquid Scintillator LIQUID SCINT
CON1 Concrete used for the first absorber ABSORBER
CON2 Concrete used for the second absorber ABSORBER
TUNA top section of the B tunel AIR
MACT The attico of MACRO detector AIR
LTM1 Attico lowest lateral module ( #1, aka 8th layer) AIR
LTM2 Attico lateral modules #2,..,7 (in "3-packs") AIR
HTMD Attico T-layer
HTPT Attico central Plane of streamer tubes AIR
HTPS Attico central Plane of Scintillators AIR
(physically but not logically in HTMD volume)
TPT1 Plane of streamer tubes of LTM1 AIR
TPT2 Plane of streamer tubes of LTM2 AIR
TPS1 Plane of scintillators of LTM1 AIR
TPS2 Plane of scintillators of LTM2 AIR
ELHT Element of Attico central streamer tubes PLASTIC
ELHS Element of Attico central Scintillators PLASTIC
L1ET Element of Streamer tubes of LTM1 PLASTIC
L1ES Element of Scintillators of LTM1 PLASTIC
LTET Element of Streamer tubes of LTM2 PLASTIC
LTES Element of Scintillators of LTM2 PLASTIC
AEHS Air volume inside the Attico Central Scintillator AIR
L1AS Air volume inside the Attico LTM1 Scintillator AIR
LTAS Air volume inside the Attico LTM2 Scintillator AIR
TOIL End chamber oil inside the Attico Central Scintillator OIL
L1OS End chamber oil inside the Attico LTM1 Scintillator OIL
LTOS End chamber oil inside the Attico LTM2 Scintillator OIL
TGAS Sens. cell of Gas of Attico Central streamer tubes STREAMER GAS
TLIQ Sens. cell of Attico Central Liquid Scintillator LIQUID SCINT
L1CT Sens. cell of Gas of Attico Lateral tubes of LTM1 STREAMER GAS
L1CS Sens. cell of Attico Lateral scintillator of LTM1 LIQUID SCINT
LTCT Sens. cell of Gas of Attico Lateral tubes of LTM2 STREAMER GAS
LTCS Sens. cell of Attico Lateral scintillator of LTM2 LIQUID SCINT
A graphical representation of the tree structure may be found in