Re: three-sm events

Ernesto Lamanna (
Tue, 18 Jul 1995 13:45:56 +0200

Dear collegues,
the new version of GMACRO (V7.21) is right and may be found in
The iron structure of MACRO, relevant for the neutrino interactions in
the detector, was introduced.
The new geometry is now a little different from those described in the
last message of Bob.
Here we show you the new geometry and the estimation of the MACRO mass.
One comment is necessary: The density of the absorber, which is the most
important contribution to the weight, was taken following some
indication of Mario Spinetti and is 2.55 g/cm**3.
This number and the quantity of absorber in the boxes are the most
important uncertainties in the mass estimation.
Best Regards Alessandro, Ernesto & Giovanni


# name representation material

MARS MAster Reference System
it contains all the defined volumes GS_ROCK

TUNB Bottom section of the B tunel AIR
MACR The MACRO detector AIR
78 BASE block of cement under the iron CONCRETE
78 IRON vertical column of iron containing 2 IRON
VAIR volumes of air to define an H structure AIR
648 HIRO Horizontal iron structure along x axis
connecting 2 IRON at the same y IRON
HAIR air volume to define an H structure AIR
390 IR45 iron slice of 2 cm of tickness connecting
2 IRON along y axis of length 270 cm and
38 cm from y and width 8 cm IRON
260 IRHY double L horizontal iron structure connecting
along y the IRON stucture and containing 2 IRON
AIHY air volumes in IRHY AIR

SMOD Super Module 12*12*5 m**3 AIR
HMOD Header Module (north and south End Modules) AIR

CMOD Central module 6*12*5 m**3 AIR

LMOD Lateral module (east and west half modules) AIR
FMOD Frontal Module (each HMOD will be maked using
seven FMOD ) AIR

CPLA Central Plane Absorber AIR
CPLT Central Plane of streamer tubes AIR
CPLS Central Plane of Scintillator AIR
CPLP Central Plane Plastic AIR
LPLT Lateral Plane of streamer tubes AIR
LPLS Lateral Plane of Sintillator AIR
FPLT Frontal Plane of streamer tubes AIR
FPLS Frontal Plane of Scintilator AIR

2880 ELCT Element of Central streamer tubes PLASTIC
192 ELCS Element of Central Scintillator PLASTIC
288 ELPL Element of Central Plastic PLASTIC
ELEA Element of Central Absorber AIR
840 ELA1 First box of the Absorber IRON
840 ELA2 Second box of the Absorber IRON
168 ELFT Element of Frontal streamer tubes PLASTIC
14 ELFS Element of Frontal Scintillator PLASTIC
2016 ELLT Element of Lateral streamer tubes PLASTIC
168 ELLS Element of Lateral Scintillator PLASTIC

AABS Air volume inside the Absorber AIR
AELS Air volume inside the Lateral Scintillator AIR
AEFS Air volume inside the Frontal Scintillator AIR
AECS Air volume inside the Central Scintillator AIR

CGAS Sensitive cell of Gas of Central streamer tubes STREAMER GAS
192 CLIQ Sensitive cell of Central Liquid Scintillator LIQUID SCINT
LGAS Sensitive cell of Gas of Lateral streamer tubes STREAMER GAS
168 LLIQ Sensitive cell of Lateral Liquid Scintillator LIQUID SCINT
FGAS Sensitive cell of Gas of Frontal streamer tubes STREAMER GAS
14 FLIQ Sensitive cell of Frontal Liquid Scintillator LIQUID SCINT
840 CON1 Concrete used for the first absorber ABSORBER
840 CON2 Concrete used for the second absorber ABSORBER

TUNA top section of the B tunel AIR
MACT The attico of MACRO detector AIR
13 IRTO Horizontal structure supporting the top
horizontal layers containing 2 IRON
AITO air volumes to define an H structure AIR
26 ITOP attico vertical column of iron containing 2 IRON
TAIR volumes of air to define an H structure AIR
24 THIR horizontal attico iron structure along x axis
connecting 2 ITOP at the same y IRON
THAI air volume of THIR to define an H structure AIR
84 EBOX Electronics Box to define the rack IRON
EBAI Air volume in EBOX AIR
12 PLAT Iron layers at the bottom of the attico IRON

LTM1 Attico lowest lateral module ( #1, aka 8th layer) AIR
LTM2 Attico lateral modules #2,..,7 (in "3-packs") AIR

HTMD Attico T-layer
HTPT Attico central Plane of streamer tubes AIR
HTPS Attico central Plane of Scintillators AIR
(physically but not logically in HTMD volume)
TPT1 Plane of streamer tubes of LTM1 AIR
TPT2 Plane of streamer tubes of LTM2 AIR
TPS1 Plane of scintillators of LTM1 AIR
TPS2 Plane of scintillators of LTM2 AIR

1224 ELHT Element of Attico central streamer tubes PLASTIC
102 ELHS Element of Attico central Scintillators PLASTIC
192 L1ET Element of Streamer tubes of LTM1 PLASTIC
12 L1ES Element of Scintillators of LTM1 PLASTIC
864 LTET Element of Streamer tubes of LTM2 PLASTIC
72 LTES Element of Scintillators of LTM2 PLASTIC
AEHS Air volume inside the Attico Central Scintillator AIR
L1AS Air volume inside the Attico LTM1 Scintillator AIR
LTAS Air volume inside the Attico LTM2 Scintillator AIR
TOIL End chamber oil inside the Attico Central Scintillator OIL
L1OS End chamber oil inside the Attico LTM1 Scintillator OIL
LTOS End chamber oil inside the Attico LTM2 Scintillator OIL

TGAS Sens. cell of Gas of Attico Central streamer tubes STREAMER GAS
102 TLIQ Sens. cell of Attico Central Liquid Scintillator LIQUID SCINT
L1CT Sens. cell of Gas of Attico Lateral tubes of LTM1 STREAMER GAS
12 L1CS Sens. cell of Attico Lateral scintillator of LTM1 LIQUID SCINT
LTCT Sens. cell of Gas of Attico Lateral tubes of LTM2 STREAMER GAS
24 LTCS Sens. cell of Attico Lateral scintillator of LTM2 LIQUID SCINT


MATERIAL characteristics


STREAMER GAS 4.000 2.000 .001
IRON 55.850 26.000 7.870
AIR 14.610 7.300 .001
ABSORBER 22.773 11.359 2.550
GS_ROCK 22.773 11.359 2.710
LIQUID SCINT 10.446 5.289 .870
PVC BOX 12.010 6.000 2.265
PLASTIC 16.056 7.947 1.630

name Element # Iron Plast Concr Absorb Scint #
BASE CONCRETE 820 78 # # # 64.0# # #
IRON IRON 429 78 # 8.5# # # # #
HIRO IRON 57 648 # 36.7# # # # #
IR45 IRON 9 390 # 3.4# # # # #
IRHY IRON 16 260 # 4.1# # # # #
ELCT PLASTIC 39 2880 # # 89.6 # # # #
ELCS PLASTIC 453 192 # # 86.9 # # # #
ELPL PLASTIC 2 288 # # - # # # #
ELA1 IRON 456 840 # 382.7# # # # #
ELA2 IRON 863 840 # 724.9# # # # #
ELFT PLASTIC 39 168 # # 6.5 # # # #
ELFS PLASTIC 107 14 # # 1.5 # # # #
ELLT PLASTIC 39 2016 # #786.2 # # # #
ELLS PLASTIC 107 168 # # 16.0 # # # #
CLIQ SCINT 1355 192 # # # # # 260.0#
LLIQ SCINT 440 168 # # # # # 73.8#
FLIQ SCINT 440 14 # # # # # 6.1#
CON1 ABSORBER 2422 840 # # # #2034.4# #
CON2 ABSORBER 2422 840 # # # #2034.4# #
IRTO IRON 429 13 # 5.6# # # # #
ITOP IRON 71 26 # 1.9# # # # #
THIR IRON 57 24 # 1.4# # # # #
EBOX IRON 1218 84 # 102.3# # # # #
PLAT IRON 10187 12 # 122.2# # # # #
ELHT PLASTIC 39 1224 # # 48.1 # # # #
ELHS PLASTIC 453 102 # # 46.2 # # # #
L1ET PLASTIC 39 192 # # 7.5 # # # #
L1ES PLASTIC 107 12 # # 1.3 # # # #
LTET PLASTIC 39 864 # # 33.7 # # # #
LTES PLASTIC 107 72 # # 7.7 # # # #
TLIQ SCINT 1355 102 # # # # # 138.2#
L1CS SCINT 440 12 # # # # # 71.6#
LTCS SCINT 440 24 # # # # # 11.9#
TOTAL WEIGHT # 1394 # 1131 # 64 # 4069 # 562 #