Comments on Franceso/Teresa's observations

Ashutosh Sanzgiri (
Fri, 19 Jan 1996 10:47:40 +0100 (WET)

Hi Everyone,

I would like to comment on the observations from Francesco and Teresa:

A list of known hardware intererp problems has been maintained by Bob
Nolty as the file intererp.bogus which I have appended to the end of this
message. These address some of the problems mentioned here.

Besides excluding these intererp-by-run combinations, there are some
"microcuts" that I have applied in my analysis. Specifically, I have

SM6 : Runs 8035-8036 Bad TDCs

Box 162: 2T09 had ERP problems, I have excluded it from runs 7473-8553
Box 366: 4T13 between runs 7651-7679
Box 478: 5E08 } intermittent problems between runs 7473-9899
Box 479: 5E09 }

Below, my comments appear prefixed as aps>


1) New calibrations have not improved the situation on:

7600-7699 New calb file (7689) still problems on SMD 4 and some boxes
on SMD 2 and on intererp uVAX 1.
aps> SM 2&4 problems probably due to 2T09 & 4T13, don't see intererp problem
on uvax1

8100-8199 Problems on SMD 2 and uVAX 1 (intererp).
aps> problems with IE-1+2 (Runs 8136-8143) described in intererp.bogus

9100-9199 Still problems on SMD 3,5.
aps> SM 5 problems probably due to 5E08,09 - don't see a problem on SM 3

2) Some improvments but still problems:

7700-7799 New calb file (7689) still problems on SMD 4, but better
intererp uVAX 2.
aps> don't see SM4 problems

7800-7899 Still problems on SMD 4 and some on SMD 2, but better
intererp uVAX 2.
aps> SM2 problems may be due to 2T09, don't see SM4 problems

7800-7899 Still problems on SMD 2, but better intererp uVAX 1,2.
aps> SM2 problems may be due to 2T09

8000-8099 Better uVAX 1 but not solved on SMD 2,6.
aps> Bad TDCs from SM6 Runs 8035-8036

8700-8799 Better uVAX 1 but not solved on SMD 2.
aps> SM2 TDC problems described in the meeting from runs 8430-8724

4) No corrected calibration files available:

7473-7599 No corrected calibration files: problems on SMD 2 and
some boxes on SMD 5, on intererp uVAX 2 not solved.
aps> 2T09, 5E08,09 - don't see problem on uvax2 intererp

8200-8699 Problems on SMD 2 and uVAX 1 (intererp).
aps> as discussed in the meeting

PAIR: ||0/1 |1/2 |2/3 |3/4 |4/5 |5/6 |6/7 |
---- ||--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |
BAD: || 0 - |7000 - |7000 - |7000 - |7000 - |7000 - | 0 - |
||8143 d |7286 a |7379 b |7379 b |7379 b |8143 c |8143 c |
|| | | | | | | |
|| | |7680 - |7680 - | | | |
|| | |7692 i |7692 i | | | |
|| | | | | | | |
|| |8136 - |8136 - |8136 - |8136 - | | |
|| |8143 e |8143 e |8143 e |8143 e | | |
|| | | | | | | |
||8413?- |8413?- | | | | | |
||8505 f |8505 f | | | | | |
|| | | | | | | |
||8707?- |8707?- | | | | | |
||8724 g |8724 g | | | | | |
|| | | | | | | |
|| | | | | | |8700?- |
|| | | | | | |8800?h |
|| | | | | | | |
||10169- |10169- | | | | | |
||10169 j|10169 j| | | | | |
|| | | | | | | |
||10197- |10197- | | | | | |
||10200 j|10200 j| | | | | |
|| | | | | | | |
|| | |10597- |10597- |10597- | |
|| | |10613 k|10613 k|10613 k| |

a) -7286: no interERP

b) 7286-7379: interERP invalid on uvax2 (clear problems)

c) 7286-8143: the microvax3 interERP TDC was giving only zeroes. Fixed by

d) ????-8143: the N stop was bad from the time the N face was turned
on until run 8143. Fixed by okada.

e) 8136-8143: Malfunction of Kate's module; all data is bogus. (Ideally
we should either do all muon cals using only runs after 8143 that
week, or do muon cals with all runs followed by a special interERP
cal using only runs after 8143. Otherwise, the 24 hours worth of
bogus data will corrupt the calibrations from the 5 days of good
data.) fixed by okada.

f) 12 Oct nolty noticed bogus values on uvax1 since at least 4 Oct
14 Oct kate fixed it by tightening a lemo connector on the STM (run 8505)

g) 14 Nov nolty noticed intermittent bogus values on uvax1 -- sometimes reads
out all zeroes. Kate thinks EH is getting to IE module flakily.
18 Nov uvax1 seems fixed now -- from run 8724 on Tue 15 Nov: baker
wiggled some cables

h) 18 Nov baker recently got S face working better, but interERP is overflowing
on most 6/S coincidences -- probably S stop not getting through
19 Nov baker found S face STOP unplugged and plugged it back in. problem

i) 7680-7692: SM3 Stop not working. This showed up in data; not known
how it got fixed. Onset of problem was during short
Tuesday runs somewhere between 7680 and 7689 inclusive.

j) 10169-10169; also 10197-10200: Kate unplugs some cables while debugging
the hardware

k) 10597-10613: : bad ground on interERP module front panel