ERP Calibration Constants in WORK DB up to RUN 13936 available -- Please check

TERESA MONTARULI 080 5443159 (
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 18:08:07 +0200

Hi all,
I have begun to look at the new calibrations.
I have made a previous analysis using the old ones + our
software recalibration procedure.
At the moment I have looked at 2 sets
of runs
I find some anomaly on the second set.
IERP 3/4 is going very badly between 13208-13272 for the new
calibrations with respect to the other analysis.
I find many values of 1/beta around +- 2, 3
What I have noticed is that on the calibration file 13208
the IERP offset on smd 4 have changed of around 100 nsec
I read from calmod
on sm 3
Calibrated on run 13208
InterERP Offset uV2 -110.14 ns
while for the set
Calibrated on run 12822
InterERP Offset uV2 -108.50 ns

but on smd 4
Calibrated on run 13208
InterERP Offset uV2 125.20 ns
Calibrated on run 12822
InterERP Offset uV2 14.99 ns

This changment produces bad-looking 1/beta distributions.
I will continue to look at the other sets hoping that this will help.
