Corrected MEMO

Teresa Montaruli (
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 18:22:21 +0100 (MET)

Thanks to Nat's comment on the MEMO 1/98,
I have realized that in the last kumac which makes the plots
of the angular distribution and of the flux in the MEMO
there was an incorrect sum of 1st smd data (26 events) to
the entire set.
I want to stress that this error was not present in the data presented at
summer conferences.
It concerns only the plots in the MEMO98.
The corrected numbers are now written in Tab.3.
Of course chi^2 probability have changed.
The event list written in Tab. 6 were already ok.
On Fig.1 it was wrongly written 450.4 instead of 451.
Notice that in Fig.2 statistical and systematic errors are summed in
You can find a new version on

Thanks for your attention and sorry for the previous version,
