Regarding the recent update of the official CALMOD (Nicola Zaccheo's e-mail
on 9-AUG-1998 and Charlie Peck's warning earlier today), I would like to
mention the following:
(1) In addition to the reference run #s that Nicola listed, there are also
calibration constants for reference run # 15839. So, the complete list
is the following:
15236, 15269, 15301, 15342, 15414, 15451, 15483, 15518, 15552, 15582,
15615, 15647, 15677, 15712, 15743, 15773, 15804, 15839, 15878, 15914,
15948, 15981
I have copied the corresponding RUNxxxxx.KUMAC files on
(2) While updating the official database, here at G.S., (DISK$MACRO:[MACROCAL