Subject: first look at new data and calibrations
From: Bob Nolty (
Date: Fri Jun 09 2000 - 03:22:19 EDT
Hi all --
I have just taken a first look at the new muon dsts and the new
calibrations. I ran my "calibration quality" program, which I use to
determine my microcuts. I copied one week worth of data (calibration
set 8534) and the newly-available calibrations to Caltech unix
machines for the analysis. Unfortunately, I inadvertently left my old
microcuts in place during the analysis so I did not look at
previously-troublesome boxes. I will redo the work, but that will take
a few hours and unfortunately I am leaving in the morning for two days
in Texas. I will probably be able to redo the work on Monday.
However, I can say that for the boxes I did look at (i.e. boxes that
were operating well under the old calibrations) the data looks
qualitatively the same (i.e. very good) and quanitatively slightly
improved -- the means and sigmas of my tError distributions were a few
per cent better.
There was one very short run (8576) which was available in the new
MUDSTs but was not available in the DSTZ-formatted data I got from
Colin several years ago. To keep the comparisons simple, I did not
analyze it.
I'll have a more full report next week.
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