Recalibration constants now up to run 10687

Subject: Recalibration constants now up to run 10687
Date: Wed Aug 09 2000 - 17:17:51 EDT

Ciao a tutti,

The recalibration effort continuous. New constants are available up to
CALMOD ref. run # 10634, which should cover analyses of runs up to 10687,
9-AUG-1995 (exactly 5 years ago !) You can take
- .DB files (VMS only !) from DISK$MACRO:[ACQMACRO.DB_B]
- Don't forget to check
  DISK$MACRO:[ACQMACRO.CALCODE_B.xxxxx]xxxxx.MASK (where xxxxx is a CALMOD
  reference run #) for the micro-cuts information and also
  DISK$MACRO:[ACQMACRO.CALCODE_B]RECALIB.LIST for a summary for every week.

A presto,


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