Summary of muon dst production

Subject: Summary of muon dst production
From: Erik Katsavounidis (
Date: Fri Sep 15 2000 - 07:38:34 EDT

Hi all,

This is a rather technical note on the final (hopefully)
production of MACRO's so-called muon astronomy DSTs. This
kind of DSTs have been traditionally used in the muon neutrino
analyses as well as in the muon astronomy searches.

The content of this e-mail is of interest mostly to people
who have performed or are currently performing analyses
using the muon astronomy DSTs.
I am copying it to our mailing lists for archiving purposes
in case any time in the future other people pose relevant
questions or use that data for analyses.

I can highlight a few things that have been derived through
this process and I believe they might be of general interest:

o MACRO data from March 1994 to June 2000 have been reprocessed
  starting with the full MACRO data stream (~4TB)
o There were 168 *normal* (i.e., non calibration) MACRO RUNs of
  total duration ~15 days (0.7% of livetime) that were unfortunately
  not found in MACRO's official tapes. In addition, at least 56
  calibration RUNs never made to the tapes (~1.2% of calibrations'
  livetime). To zeroth order, these data are lost (see section
  with details - at any rate my guess is that not all of the lost
  data were analysable).
o The re-process of MACRO data has also revealed ~12 days of data-
  taking that for various reasons NEVER made to the muon dsts before.
  This reflects livetime gain. A good fraction of them should be fully
  analysable. An effective increase of livetime of all muon analyses
  performed so far by 0.5% is thus expected.
o I propose that this new version of muon DSTs superseeds the
  old one. Gran Sasso disks currently holding "old" muon dsts
  will be cleaned up and the new set will be permanently stored
  there. People doing analyses and group leaders please, I need
  your OK by September 30 in going ahead with this swap. Old data
  will be archived on tape. Managing both old and new sets on
  disk has been quite a pain over the last few months.
o The "MACRO's Muon DST web page" will be from now on at
  We hope to keep all relevant info there for any present and
  future related questions, needs to use the muon dsts for
  analyses etc. If you are a muon dst user, please make sure you
  check out this page for updates.

Let me know if you have any comments of questions.


PS: A more detailed description of the DST production follows.


The bulk of MACRO re-processing starting from the full stream contained
in MACRO's official data tapes was performed from February to June 2000.
There were 1-2 months prior to that that Ioannis and myself spent for code
development and testing. Once tested, more than 50% of the automated job
launching and diagnosing was performed by the scintillator technicians
at Gran Sasso. The production of the muon astronomy dst through this stream
features the following:

o MACRO (full) RUNs in ZEBRA format were first downloaded to disk, converted
  back to RAW and a no-WFD, no-PHRASE DST (in RAW format) was created. This
  DST is referred to from now on as a "GC-DST" (suited for ERP-GC analyses).
  The MUON dsts were produced using the GC-DST as input.
o There had been several incremental upgrades and fixes that the current
  muon dst producing software went through over the last 6 year. This was
  actually one of the motivations in re-processing all MACRO data with the
  most up-to-date code. We went beyond that in examining and eliminating
  all fortran errors that had existed in the code AND HAD BEEN RESPONSIBLE
  The code we've used in producing the muon dsts is
o The muon DSTs contain at the very beginning the data of MACRO's standard
  online logbook (LGB) entries. When for whatever reason a RUN had no LGB
  entry at the time of the muon dst production THE MUON DST WAS NOT PRODUCED.
  We have now produced all the missing LGB entries. Unfortunately, we have done
  this using the "GC-DST" and NOT the full MACRO RUN. The only implication of
  this is that the PHRASE rate is missing from the LGB. This was a fair
  tradeoff among having the LGB timely done for the muon dst needs and going
  through an extremely tedious path of downloading the full MACRO RUN,
  converting it to raw etc etc.
o All detector geometry used is the one most up-to-date and includes the
  correction for the 8th vertical scintillator counter (introduced by Ioannis
   ~1997). "Dummy" scintillator calibration constants were used, or at least
  this is how they should be treated.
o All log files of the batch jobs that produced the dsts have been kept on
  disk. Whenever in doubt, make sure you check the log file or ask. LOG files
  can be found at
o Detailed detector monitor and efficiency files have been produced for all
  MACRO RUNs. These can be found in
o The new muon astronomy DST that were produced through this process were
  confronted to the old (real time) production. The basic criterion has been
  the actual size of the file that reflects counting of muons and
  thus livetime. This confrontation yielded the following observations:
  - there are 6 RUNs for which the "new" production is of significantly lesser
    size respect to the "old" one: (size is in blocks=512bytes)
    | 12407 | 9296 | 13703 |
    | 12408 | 419 | 1045 |
    | 12409 | 174 | 3198 |
    | 12410 | 1890 | 8413 |
    | 13342 | 19059 | 20256 |
    | 13992 | 654 | 10062 |
    I have manually investigated the entire chain of (new) production for the
    above 6 runs. I have found NO ERROR in the NEW production for the first
    5 RUNs. Notice that the log file of the old dst production is not available.
    This makes me conclude that the OLD production for the first 5 RUNs
    The NEW production for RUN 13992 is left incomplete due to unrecoverable
    TAPE ERROR in reading the full file from tape to disk. If you hold a copy
    of DD106 that contains RUN 13992 and you can successfully download it to
    disk, please let me know-- this will fully recover the file!
  - There are 102 RUNs that lasted each more than 0.5 hrs for which the NEW
    production yielded a file signicantly (>300 blocks) larger than the OLD
    one. For these 102 RUNs the NEW production yielded an average size of
    7221 blocks versus an average 2235 for the OLD one. Given that a muon event
    results in roughly 2 blocks, this implies that for these 102 RUNs, the
    NEW production yielded 2.5x10^5 more muons or ~12 days of data taking.
    There are several reasons that cut the size of the OLD dst short. These can
    be split into three categories: (a) fortran errors (b) lack of LGB
    (c) unknown (at least for someone investigating the case now) reason.
    Obviously, none of the above three applies in the NEW production.
    The list of these 102 RUNs where significant livetime/acceptance was
    gained can be found in
o The new muon DST production features identification of calibration RUNs
  through detailed examination of the scintillator information. Although muon
  DSTs are produced for calibration RUNs too, they are not made available
  to the wider MACRO people in order to avoid confusion (and save disk space!).
  Calibration runs are listed in
  If you have any reason to believe that any of runs there included is a good
  run, I'd like to know.
o A number of RUNs resulted to a muon dst of zero size. Each RUN was carefully
  examined in order to establish if this was legitimate. These are mostly
  PHRASE-only RUNs or RUNs of extremely short duration that collected no
  muon trigger. The list of these runs is available in
o random bits and pieces from my logbook:
  - RUNs 19179 and 11849 have erroneous LGB entries. This is due to a leap
    year problem (both taken on Feb 29 of a leap year). I haven't had time
    to investigate further the problem. Exersice caution when using the LGB
    info for these two runs.
  - RUN 10880 had an LGB entry that was actually the one for RUN 10881.
    Correct LGB data was produced again for RUN 10880.
o as it was already highlighted at the very beginning, a 0.6% of MACRO's
  livetime was lost during the copy-to-tape phase. There are very few RUNs
  that are partially recoverable (see below) while I'm not in a position to
  know what PHRASE might have stored for these completely missing RUNs through
  their independent run processing machine.
  - there is one RUN (#10052) that is missing from the MACRO TAPEs (and
    thus from the "new" production) which interestingly enough has the "old"
    muon dst available. Too bad this is a junk RUN that lasted few seconds
    and had the ERP broken.
  - I have been keeping personal copies of MACRO data since sometime in 1997.
    This makes available two full MACRO RUNs that were otherwise lost:
    RUN 16720 taken in 20-NOV-1998 and lasted ~5 hours and
    RUN 91068 taken in 2-JUL-1998 and lasted ~8 minutes.
    The muon dsts for these two runs have been produced and merged with
    the rest of the new set.
o Please take the time to run any sort of tests confronting old and new
  DST production. A good fraction of the new muon dsts are available on
  disk at Gran Sasso in any of the following areas:
  Caltech, Frascati and Lecce should have in their hands DLT tapes with
  the entire data set within few days.

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