an YPATCHY implementation of new calibrations' MASKs

Subject: an YPATCHY implementation of new calibrations' MASKs
From: Erik Katsavounidis (
Date: Sun Nov 26 2000 - 08:07:40 EST

Neutrino analyzers:

As you probably know, the final ERP calibration procedure produces
a MASK file that suggests bad counters to be excluded from analysis.
I have prepared an implementation of handling these MASK files and
the information therein. You can find it in

It is in standard YPATHY that anyone can trivially include it in any
analysis job. The (fortran) code handles all FILE accessing that
is good for VAX/VMS (sorry unix users). The MASK array that loads in
memory works fine for the way I do the ERP analysis- however, it might
not be the case for your analysis. Below you may find the comments
section from the cradle file.

Hope you find it useful.


C ** November 2000 -- introducing a MASK implementation -- Erik Kats
C ==============================================================================
C This is an implementation of the new CALIBRATION MASK read-in. The program
C is organized in two sequences: CALWEEKS and CRUNMASK. Make appropriate
C changes in CALWEEKS to define the area from where WEEK MASK info is read.
C Basic assumption: there is a top directory area below which all weeks
C live as subdirectories. In each subdirectory there exist a week_run#.MASK
C which is readin. Logic DOES NOT HANDLE .non.VXMACA MACRO RUNs (sorry).
C Within the MASK file, three patterns are expected: "TDC","ADC" and "IERP"
C The MASK is implemented through a 6x84 array corresponding to the 6 SMs
C and 84 boxes/SM. If a box (iSM,iBOX) is not masked, the value of the
C iSM,iBOX element of the array is zero. If it IS mask, a bitwise number
C is constructed as follows:
C (TDCmask)*1+(ADCmask)*2+(IERPmask)*4 where TDC/ADC/IERPmasks are =1 if true.
C ==============================================================================

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