combined upward muon list -- 17 Apr 1994

Colin Okada (
Fri, 19 Apr 1996 22:54:30 -0400 (EDT)

Hi All,

This list keeps growing and growing. Alice Hawthorne sent me a list of
upward muons that she has found. In her message to me (the original
messages are appended to this file), she remarked that there were some
problems with here analysis, resulting in the possibility that some of
the upward muons in other analyses were not found in hers. Because of
this, I have decided to leave the list of upward muons found by all
groups unchanged if Alice is the only one who does not find an event.

As usual, more events are added to the list of events not found by all
analyses. Alice is adding 16 more to this list. I will note, however,
that the 1/beta range that she has selected appears to be wider than
that used by the other groups, and that the majority of the new events
are likely added because of this. Here are the new events:
7569 9402 -1.446 214 338 h
7582 3375 -0.698 201 132 h
7696 6928 -0.621 116 217 h
7696 12334 -0.840 116 236 h
7841 6510 -1.111 219 258 h
8391 2769 -0.502 101 31 h
8617 3773 -0.704 513 549 h
8643 7241 -1.004 504 543 h
8902 3903 -0.637 511 553 h
9832 2290 -1.022 From michael Sat Apr 20 15:41:09 1996
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From: michael (Doug Michael)
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Subject: plans for neutrino meeting on Tuesday
To: macro-upmu
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 15:41:08 -0700 (PDT)
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I would like to try to get the neutrino group premeeting started at about
10:00 on Tuesday at Cape May. I'm not sure about the meeting arrangments
yet for the premeeting though. Some of the GC people will not be arriving
until afternoon so that part of the meeting will start around 13:00. I
expect that the meeting will take all day for the various topics to be
